Last chance to register for the Safe Systems Summit
Please note: Registration is now closed.
Registration for the Safe Systems Summit: Redefining Transportation Safety closes on Friday, Mar. 29, 2019. Don’t miss this chance to join inquirers and innovators in transportation, health, planning, technology and other fields for two days of exploring the principles and applications of Safe Systems and systems science to improve road safety. The event, held Apr. 23-24, 2019, in Durham, NC, is co-presented by the Collaborative Sciences Center for Road Safety and the NC Governor’s Highway Safety Program.
If you’re not already registered for the Summit, here is what you’ll miss. If you are already signed up, we are pleased to share the following highlights and look forward to seeing you next month!
- Two dynamic keynote addresses:
- “From Safe Systems to system safety,” presented by Roderick McClure, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of New England in Australia
- “Self-driving car safety – it’s complicated,” presented by Phil Koopman, Associate Professor, Carnegie Mellon University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- A diverse faculty of experts covering a wide range of safety topics:
- transportation safety technology and the future
- essentials of Safe Systems, systems thinking and mapping systems
- data integration
- practical applications of systems science
- finding shared goals and promoting meaningful collaboration
- Optional activities to round out your learning experience:
- a demo of the Duke University Humans and Autonomy Lab mobile command center on Apr. 22
- a walking tour of downtown Durham transportation features led by North Carolina Central University students on Apr. 22
- the Research Poster Showcase and networking reception on Apr. 23
- an optional networking reception hosted by the Young Professionals in Transportation – Triangle Chapter on Apr. 23
- the Research Exploration Room available to peruse transportation safety projects, explore possibilities for collaboration and share your own work
Plus, participants are eligible to earn credit for up to 12 hours of continuing education for attending the Summit. View the full agenda here and register for the Summit today!